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Pursuing a Cure for Cancer

We are developing novel therapies designed to increase cancer cure rates, prolong patient survival, and improve quality of life.

Improving Outcomes for Cancer Patients

Our innovative therapies target cancer cells, protect healthy tissue, and harness the body’s innate immune response. Our mission is to enhance the power of radiation therapy (RT) while minimizing its side effects. By leveraging our drug discovery and proprietary diagnostic technologies, we aim to increase cancer cure rates and improve quality of life when these drugs are used in combination with radiation therapy.

The Next Revolution in Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is an effective and proven treatment modality for curing cancers. More than half of all patients diagnosed with cancers in the U.S. receive radiation therapy during the course of their disease.

We are developing drugs to sensitize growing cancer cells, rendering them susceptible to the effects of radiation therapy, activate the DNA damage response pathway to kill cancer cells and protect adjacent normal cells. Our lead drug candidate, Ropidoxuridine, is an orally available halogenated pyrimidine with strong cancer radiation sensitizing properties.

Developing a Novel Portfolio

Using our platform technology to discover novel small molecules to modify the effects of ionizing radiation on cancer cells we have developed a strong portfolio of patented selective histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. Our strategic collaborations and relationships with academic research institutions have enabled the discovery and exclusive licensing of novel diagnostic technologies for prostate cancer patient management.

Currently, we have a Phase II clinical-stage lead product (Ropidoxuridine), three candidate pre-clinical products (HDAC inhibitors) and are aiming to develop pretreatment diagnostic blood tests for prostate cancer patients.

New Horizons in Diagnostic Technology

Prostate cancers vary in their aggressiveness and in their responses to treatment.

Our predictive biomarker strategy is to develop a diagnostic test for prostate cancer patients who are considering elective radiation therapy which will allow them to assess their risk for treatment success or failure, while informing therapeutic decision making and follow-up management.